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讲述了斯坦福神经科学家Andrew Huberman的学习方法,主要包括“间隙效应”以及其他技巧。间隙效应即在每小时学习中适时暂停30次,帮助大脑更专注和积极吸收知识。




  • 学习方法的关键在于“间隙效应”,即在学习过程中适时地暂停放空思绪。

  • 高效学习的步骤包括提高警觉性、提高专注力、合理安排学习和休息时间。

  • 通过深呼吸、盯着一个点看、学习后进行深度休息(如冥想或小憩)等方法可以提高学习效率。

  • 物理技能和脑力技能的学习方法可能有所不同,需要进行个别化的尝试和调整。


① 科学家 Andrew Huberman:

  • 每小时进行大约30次的间隙,即暂停并放空思绪;

  • 通过深呼吸提高警觉性;

  • 选择一个点专注地盯着看30到60秒,以提高专注力;

  • 每次的学习时间不超过90分钟;

  • 学习结束后进行深度休息的活动,如冥想或小憩。

② 视频作者:

  • 在自然地放慢学习速度后进行10秒钟的休息;

  • 通过盯着一个点看以提高专注力;

  • 在学习中途进行10秒钟的休息,以重置注意力;

  • 对于物理技能的学习,作者发现间隙效应非常有效;

  • 对于脑力技能的学习,作者计划进一步测试和观察。






1 Here is me, trying to learn 10 times faster by doing nothing. You see, I'm currently following an approach that I've learned from the internet's go-to expert for real productivity advice, who is none other than Stanford neuroscientist, Andrew Huberman.

Andrew Huberman's learning tips have made people say, "Why has that not been incorporated into our educational system?" Speaking of the education system, currently, I'm in the final year of my undergrad, and it's definitely being a challenge to balance all the content with everything else in life.

So, that's why I want to test out this popular and scientifically grounded system that Andrew Huberman talks about for learning faster. At the end, I'll let you know which parts I found the most useful.

我正在尝试通过“什么都不做”来提高学习速度。现在,我正在跟随斯坦福神经科学家Andrew Huberman的方法,他是互联网上真正的生产力建议专家。

Andrew Huberman的学习技巧让人们感叹,"为什么这个方法还没有被纳入我们的教育系统中?”我目前在大学最后一年,平衡所有的课程内容和生活中的其他事情确实是个挑战。

所以,我想要测试Andrew Huberman谈论的这个受科学支持且广受欢迎的快速学习系统。最后,我会告诉你们我觉得哪些部分最有用。

2 "Okay, so if someone gave you the option of learning 10 times faster, you probably wouldn't mind. Well, the way that Hubman says we can actually achieve this is through a very sophisticated process called 'doing nothing'. Okay, so that's not entirely wrong but the more scientific name is called 'The Gap effect'. Here's it explained by the man himself: 'Anytime you're learning something, it pays to have random intervals in which you stop and do nothing.'

Okay, so I've been trying this out recently and Hubman gives the rough number of doing around 30 of these for every hour. But I felt like if I had to consciously count how many of these breaks I do, then that would end up being more distracting than it would be useful.

And at the same time, I didn't want to use any of those apps that do this for you. I think there's some out there, but that seems like it's more complicated than it needs to be.

So, what I ended up doing was, I would just keep working, working, working until I naturally slowed down, and then I'll just take one of these 10-second breaks.

And the thing is, for me and most likely you as well, is that these 10-second breaks is something we probably do unconsciously anyways."






3 So, it's not like we need to put in all this extra effort to force ourselves to take these little breaks. Now you know that staring out the window isn't always a bad thing. Now, I don't want to oversimplify things. These "Gap effects" are just one part of the Learning System that Huberman talks about and, all together, they can help us learn much quicker.

So, the first step in this approach is to get alert. There's lots of ways of doing this, but one way Huberman recommends is taking around 25 deep breaths. Okay, on a serious note, I've been trying this out for some time now and I honestly think that the effects aren't that noticeable for me. Because if I'm tired, I'll just usually go for a walk or do some exercise, because I feel like that's the best way for me, at least, to become alert and actually focus on what I'm doing.

But, I can see how this can be helpful if it's really late and you can't go out and exercise. So, I guess it really depends on your own body clock and your own routine. The next step is to get focused. Now, if you're anything like me, you probably know that focusing is a good thing. It will help us learn much quicker.




4 It's always so hard to focus, and this is exactly why I found this little trick quite useful. Hubman says pick a point in the room to stare at for around 30 to 60 seconds. He says you can blink, but try not to have any other thoughts, and just try and focus on that one point until the time's up. This is one of my favorite tips because it seems so simple, but it actually works really well.

Especially right after I stare at a point and then go straight to work, it's almost as if you can carry the focus between one thing and the other. Once I'm in the zone, Hubman recommends limiting each study session to a max of 90 minutes. This is essentially because 90 minutes is about the maximum time that we can maintain intense focus for. For me, the goal when I sit down is to do at least 60 minutes because I often lose focus.

But now I know if that happens, I use it as an excuse to take one of those 10-second breaks that we mentioned before to kind of reset. Now, even after you finished studying, Hubman mentions there are things you can do to make sure you actually remember what you just learned.

You saw me falling asleep in the intro, that wasn't just for dramatic effect, well it kind of was, but it was also to show you the power of NSDR (Non-Sleep Deep Rest). This involves things like meditation or napping for around 20 minutes. But personally, I find that I don't have that much time to rest after each study session.

Luckily, Hubman says that even sitting there and doing nothing for 1 minute, but ideally 5 to 10, can have a similar effect as well.







5 Now, I'll be honest, it's very hard to measure how effective this is in helping me study because there's just not many quantitative ways to go about measuring it. But one thing I've been doing this with is with physical skills, so learning kicks for my Tae or driving a particular route. I find that after practicing these physical movements and then doing nothing, I find that this actually helps me remember them much better. But obviously, the actual sleep that you get that night contributes to this as well.

But basically, for physical skills, I found this very helpful, and for mental skills like doing math or studying, I'm going to keep testing this out and see how it works in the long run. And out of all of these steps, Hubman says that getting alert, getting focused, and sleep that night are the most essential steps. But as for how you go about each one, it obviously depends on your own style and routine.

Personally, for me, focusing on that one point to help me get focused and taking those 10-second breaks during my study sessions, those were two of the things that I found the most helpful and something that I've implemented every day now. And if you're interested in the other study secrets I'm using at the moment, you may like this next.








学习速度提升10倍的秘诀(根据斯坦福脑科学家): https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ou4y1g7zY/?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0&vd_source=1d44f7f1239b6bab3592038d5e406da0

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