阿开 2024-11-13 37 0 0 0 0
英语句子,川普,A bottle of water is $1 at the store, $2 at the gym, $4 at the airport and $7 on a damn flight, same water different price tag on, why? It ain’t about the water, it’s about where it’s at,

A bottle of water is $1 at the store, $2 at the gym, $4 at the airport and $7 on a damn flight, 

same water different price tag on,


It ain’t about the water, it’s about where it’s at, 

see when you feel like people ain’t seeing your value, 

it ain’t cause you ain’t worth much, it’s cause you in the wrong spot, 

maybe you ain’t around the right crowd, maybe you stuck in a place that ain’t built to recognize what you bring, 

so next time you feel underestimated, 

stop doubting your worth, 

ask yourself where am i standing, 

cause if a damn bottle of water can be worth $7 just by switching its location. 

Imagine what happens when you put yourself in the right place.


ain't是am not、are not、is not、has not和have not的缩写形式‌,通常用于非正式的口语和文本中。‌


最初,ain't是am not的缩写形式,写作amn't,但由于发音连读的原因,省去了前一个辅音m,只发后一个辅音n,逐渐演变成了ain't。


Ain't是什么意思呢?它有着很多意思,也可以用在很多地方。一般来说,它可以是以下词语的缩写: am not
is not
are not
has not
have not
do not
does not
and did not
to be not
to have not
to do not
一些使用ain't的例子更能说明这个问题。比如ain't经常用在双重否定里,例如"I ain't got no money."这里的ain't应为have not的缩写。那么整句句子就变成"I have not got no money."从正式的英语语法来说,就是"I have got money."的意思。 然而这句话其实是强调我没钱的意思。这样的一个用法更能说明使用ain't的人群往往对于正式的英语语法非常的不了解。

Tag: 英语句子 川普
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